The Deaf Bulletin 2019 Issue 6

DZT hails sign language syllabus

By Tino Chikunya
Deaf Zimbabwe Trust Executive Director, Barbra Nyangairi has hailed the development of a sign language syllabus in Zimbabwe saying it is a positive step towards ensuring inclusivity for learners with disabilities.

Speaking at the joint event of the Day of the African Child commemorations and the Inclusive Education Indaba in Mazowe District recently, Nyangairi said the sign language syllabus and the Inclusive education policy were progressive steps that would make an impact on the lives of learners.

“A sign language syllabus was developed for children from ECD to Grade 3 and an inclusive education poli-cy is being generated however more needs to be done in advancing the lives of people with disabilities”.She added that it is important to take development initiatives outside Harare as it ensures that every child is catered for.

“Many times, we focus on Harare and leave out children who live outside Harare yet every child is important and we should ensure that they are able to fulfill their potential by involving them on all platforms”.

Speaking at the same event Mashonaland Central Provincial Education Director, Naome Chikosha said lack of information on the part of parents and care givers was a barrier to education for learners with disabilities. She highlighted that the Ministry of education had established instructional units across Mashonaland Central in mainstream schools as a way to ensure that learners with disabilities were fully integrated in society.

The commemorations which brought together different stakeholders ran under the theme, ‘Humanitarian Action in Africa: Children’s rights first’.

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